2023-2024 Board Officers

Meet the leaders behind the innovations of SHPE! Get to know the dedicated individuals shaping our community, organizing events, and creating memorable experiences for all.

Feel free to reach out to any board members via email or connect with them on LinkedIn!

4th Year | Computer Engineering

Career Goals: After graduating, I want to gain experience by working in the industry as a software engineer. After, I plan to create a tech startup.

Fun Fact: A fun fact about me is that I drove across the country! (CA-> NJ)

Martin Mejia

2nd Year | Mechanincal Engineering

Career Goals: Be able to give back to aspiring Hispanic engineers.

Fun Fact: The first time I've ever been on a flight was because of SHPE.

Ulisses Zepeda
VP of Internal Affairs

4th Year | Computer Science

Career Goals: To work at a music related company in Software Engineering! Think Spotify, Apple Music, or Pandora. Later on, I'd like to work in cutting-edge music technology, in projects such as the MiMu gloves or Vochlea Voicer.

Fun Fact: One of the songs I produced was used in a short film featured and awarded Best Short Film at the NASA Film Festival in Houston, Texas!

Kevin Prada
VP of External Affairs

4th Year | Computer Science

Career Goals: I want to work in a cybersecurity space and eventually transition to project management. Eventually, I would love to teach math :)

Fun Fact: I play chess every single day, I have two cats, and I'm the first generation of my family to go to college!

Angelina Guzman

4th Year | Computer Science

Career Goals: I want to become a software developer

Fun Fact: I have a black cat!

Ruby Franco Martinez

4th Year | Computer Engineering

Career Goals: I want to work in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, specifically computer vision. At some point, I would like to obtain my master's and teach computer science.

Fun Fact: From concerts to festivals, I've enjoyed a wide range of live performances. I've actually seen over 100 different musical artists!

Johan Gonzalez
Professional Development Chair

3rd Year | Mechanincal Engineering

Career Goals: To contribute to the advancement of space exploration by designing innovative and efficient spacecraft, propulsion systems, and technologies that push the boundaries of human exploration beyond our planet.

Fun Fact: I met Bill Nye the science guy at the filming of a music video in Los Angeles.

Oscar Gil
Outreach Co-Director

4th Year | Materials Science & Engineering

Career Goals: There are three fields that I would like to work in. Those fields are the defense industry, automobile industry, or the mountain bike industry. I'm keeping my options open, but if I were to pick one, I'd pick working in the mountain biking industry.

Fun Fact: I like to mountain bike and off road in my free time.

Daniel Cruz
Outreach Co-Director

4th Year | Data Science

Career Goals: As I approach graduation, I hope to develop a strong network and connect with potential employers. I also expect to grow project experience to create diverse portfolio to showcase. Overall, I am aiming to continuously learn and improve my skills.

Fun Fact: I love traveling and exploring new destinations. On average when exploring new cities, I walk about 20k steps a day!

Claudia Pascual
SHPEtinas Co-Chair

2nd Year | Computer Science with Business Applications

Career Goals: I want to become a software engineer

Fun Fact: I have a bird!

Laura Canon
SHPEtinas Co-Chair
Your Picture Here!
Socials Chair

4th Year | Materials Science & Engineering

Career Goals: Get into the industry for Materials Engineering.

Fun Fact: My favorite movie is The Dark Knight.

Ricardo Barcenas
Fundraising Chair

3rd Year | Bioengineering

Career Goals: Pursue a masters degree in some realm of bioengineering.

Fun Fact: I love watching and playing baseball.

Javier Ceballos Jr
Publicity Chair

3rd Year | Chemical Engineering

Career Goals: My goal is to receive my Masters Degree in Chemical and Environmental Engineering in Spring 2026 and be in an industry that I enjoy working in. I am still deciding what industry I want to be in at this moment.

Fun Fact: I have 2 dogs and I like to swim.

Phillip Olivier
MentorSHPE Chair

4th Year | Mechanincal Engineering

Career Goals: I want to become a mechanical engineer!

Fun Fact: My favorite color is blue.

Martin Juarez
Solar Boat ME Lead

4th Year | Electrical Engineering

Career Goals: I want to work for an automobile company.

Fun Fact: My favorite food is pizza.

Jayan Patel
Solar Boat EE Lead

1st Year Grad | Chemical & Environmental Engineering

Career Goals: I want to become an Air Quality Resource Engineer

Fun Fact: I love developing games and (discord) bots in my free time.

Alyina Ferrancullo
Solar Boat Adminstrative Lead

Want to join the team?

Elections are held every winter quarter. All members are encouraged to apply.